Every year our trail bosses work hard getting trails into tip top shape before events and races. This year were reaching out to our members and supporters to help lighten the load and smooth out some rough areas for the 8th annual kids race. The main focus will be repairing runoff damage on TMBR Ridge. We will also be trimming and mowing throughout the park wherever necessary at that time.
What do you need to bring?
Water/refreshments and snacks for yourself. Close toed shoes and a signed waver from the City of Asbury (provided day of) are required. Sturdy boots and gloves are recommended for dirt work. If you want to run a mower or trimmer, we suggest long pants, long sleeves, boots, and glasses. Don’t forget to bring your bike if you want to hit the trails after work is complete!
Where to meet?
Meet at the TMBR shed at the bottom of the Cloie Creek access road. We will be starting at 5:00. If you cannot make it until later, you are still welcome to come help! We are planning to end work at 7:30.
Rain date will be Saturday August 10th, check Facebook and the TMBR events page for updates.
If you have any questions contact TMBRinfo@gmail.com
Pre-Race Maintenance
Every year our trail bosses work hard getting trails into tip top shape before events and races. This year were reaching out to our members and supporters to help lighten the load and smooth out some rough areas for the 8th annual kids race. The main focus will be repairing runoff damage on TMBR Ridge. We will also be trimming and mowing throughout the park wherever necessary at that time.
What do you need to bring?
Water/refreshments and snacks for yourself. Close toed shoes and a signed waver from the City of Asbury (provided day of) are required. Sturdy boots and gloves are recommended for dirt work. If you want to run a mower or trimmer, we suggest long pants, long sleeves, boots, and glasses. Don’t forget to bring your bike if you want to hit the trails after work is complete!
Where to meet?
Meet at the TMBR shed at the bottom of the Cloie Creek access road. We will be starting at 5:00. If you cannot make it until later, you are still welcome to come help! We are planning to end work at 7:30.
Rain date will be Saturday August 10th, check Facebook and the TMBR events page for updates.
If you have any questions contact TMBRinfo@gmail.com
Asbury, 52002 United States + Google Map